If you are suffering from depression and you have been seeking a long-term solution it’s almost certain you’ll have come across Havening. Havening is the revolutionary new tool for therapists to help their clients overcome traumas in their past. However it is important that you work with a qualified Havening therapist.
A Havening therapist will work with you for around four weeks and during this time will work through your traumatic experiences and in particular focus on what happened to you at a particular point in time in your life.
If you are not sure whether you have been affected by a traumatic event or not I would recommend you talk to your Mum or a Caregiver.
Havening is a revolutionary new approach to psychotherapy created by Dr. Robin I. Haley. Havening works by ‘Havening’ your memory of the event and helping you to get to the real core issues involved. Havening can lead to a sense of empowerment and self esteem when carried out correctly. I use the example of a parent whose child had a difficult time at school. The parent will probably recall that their child was ‘crammed’ into a single room and left alone. The question I ask then is ‘Why’ or what were the issues that led to this traumatic situation in the parent’s life? With the help of Havening Therapy the therapist will move the parent away from the single room and have them thinking about what else was going on in their child’s life.
You will discover that at the time of the traumatic event or events the parent might not even have been aware of many of the other things happening around them.
The actual therapy and therapy that is involved is a long term process and it could take many sessions to reach your goal of changing the way you view yourself and others around you. The aim of therapy is to help you unravel the issues and get you to recognize them for what they are. In my case my aim was to get me to see that my behaviour was a direct result of a traumatic event in my past and how this event had altered me and how it had caused me to act the way I did. Therapy is like pulling yourself out of a bog and getting you out of that bog onto dry ground.
Havening is about opening your memories and getting them to flow from the go and connect with you. Havening is not an exercise regime or anything you do on your own. Therapy is a team sport and we need the support of others. The therapist and/or counsellor helps to facilitate the process of therapy. I had to work on opening my memory of what had happened. I didn’t know I could do it. I was very skeptical at first but I got to know my therapist and I learnt that I had the power to do it. You will be encouraged to keep trying and keep talking about the traumatic event that you are in touch with.
You will discover that you have an inner diary of sorts and you can look at your diary and write down any thoughts, feelings or memories you want about the event.
The power of therapy comes from the idea that we all have a memory bank which has been contaminated by events that happened in our lives and which we believe we can edit and clean up. Therapy is a process where you give yourself permission to get that memory bank clean. This is like the power of editing and creating your own film.
Therapy is not all about clearing your ‘dirty’ film from your memory bank but also about creating a film, a film about the events that have happened. Therapist help is about creating a story, a story about the event and about you. It is about creating a film which tells the story of the events and what happened, how it happened and why it happened. This is like making a movie about the event. This is not a gentle process, you are not helping yourself with this process. You need to be in touch with your trauma for it to be useful. It is an uncomfortable process, but it can also be really beautiful. It is a process that you will be encouraged to go through if you want to heal.
You may have been exposed to a traumatic event at some point in your life and it may still be in your ‘film’ when you encounter something else. There may be some discomfort about your trauma or you may be ‘doing therapy’ about your trauma. The point is, you have a choice about this. You can clean up the film that you have or keep the dirty film and keep letting it be ‘in your film’. There is no right or wrong answer.
This is how you become your own therapist. This is how you make your own film and write your own script.
Get back to a place where you can write down your dreams, bring your iPad with you into the psychotherapy room and write down your dreams on the iPad and bring your iPad with you into the psychotherapy room.
You can take your iPad into the room and write down your own dreams and write down your own script, and choose what part you want to work on and when you want to work on it.
You can be your own therapist and choose to write down your own dreams, and choose your own treatment plan and choose when and how you want to work on your issues.
Get your iPad and work through and examine and reflect on your own dreams and watch your iPad reflect back your dreams, and watch your iPad speak your dreams back to you.