Topical azelaic acid can be applied directly to acne-prone areas of the skin, and it aids in the killing of germs on the skin’s surface. The therapy is often administered twice a day. Because soap and water only eliminate impurities from the skin, it is recommended that acne-prone areas be washed with water only. Additionally, makeup should be non-comedogenic and oil-free. Avoid using clogging items or textures that are too coarse. These might cause irritation to the skin as well as enlargement of the pores.
For mild acne, the most frequent type of topical erythromycin is used in conjunction with benzoyl peroxide, which is a prescription medication. This treatment should not be used while you are pregnant, though, and you should contact with your doctor before doing so. While this treatment has the potential to be helpful, it should only be taken with caution. Because of its potential for major adverse effects, the medicine shouldn’t be taken within four weeks of becoming pregnant, for example. The oral contraceptive pill has the potential to cause a woman to become infertile while also increasing her vulnerability to conception.
People who suffer with mild acne may be able to benefit from certain drugs. It is possible to treat the illness adequately using a gentle cleaner and topical medicine. A prescription for an oral antibiotic may be necessary if the condition is severe. The antibiotics tetracyclines and erythromycin, as well as an oral anti-inflammatory medicine, are among the most commonly prescribed for the treatment of acne. In the majority of situations, they are effective. The amount of medication you should take is determined on the severity of your ailment.
Topical erythromycin or clindamycin can be applied topically to treat minor acne. Women who have mild to moderate acne can benefit from the usage of these drugs. In severe circumstances, the prescription may necessitate the use of other therapies. In the case of severe acne, an oral anti-inflammatory medication may be required. The treatment is normally highly successful, but it should be followed up with a light cleanser to ensure maximum effectiveness. If you have any questions or concerns, it is critical that you talk with a physician.
Acne can be treated in a number of different ways. Applying topical treatments and using a light cleanser to remove makeup are the most simple, least invasive, and least expensive methods available. Despite the fact that there are numerous medications available on the market, the ones with the most severe side effects are those that can result in life-threatening issues.