Alcoholics Anonymous is a group of self-identified alcoholics who meet regularly to discuss their experiences, hopes, and fears. AA is one of the most popular types of support groups around because it offers an opportunity for people who are struggling with their drinking to come together and offer each other support. It can feel challenging at first, but once you’re in, rochester aa meetingsbecome a very supportive community that can help you on your journey towards sobriety.
What Is Alcoholics Anonymous?
If you or someone you know needs help reducing or eliminating alcohol from their lives, consider joining Alcoholics Anonymous or AA, it’s not meant to replace seeing a doctor. There is a sobriety group for anyone interested in joining. So, it is impossible to say whether or not someone will be successful in using the AA program to stay clean. It is not a replacement for professional medical help, nor a choice for persons battling addiction; other options include counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric medications,
How Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?
AA was founded by two alcoholics who wanted to help other alcoholics who were struggling with their drinking. To do this, they needed to understand their own experiences with drinking. This is where the 12 steps come in. AA’s founders designed the organization’s program based on this concept: We alcoholic’s learn from our experiences.
During a meeting, a member shares how drinking has impacted their life, and the person receiving the story then shares how drinking has impacted them. This is how the group addresses the elephant in the room- the impact of drinking on everyone in the room. The conclusion of the meeting consists of allowing every participant to report on how they have been doing since the previous gathering. After that, every person gives an update to the group regarding how they are now feeling.
Is AA An Acceptable Form Of Help For Someone Who’s Struggling With Alcoholism?
Some people who are struggling with alcoholism use AA as a substitute for professional help. While it’s important to understand your issues and work towards recovery, this type of self-treatment is often inadequate. This is because your recovery is not just about what’s happening inside your head, it’s also about how your life is structured around your drinking. AA is a helpful tool and can be a great resource for learning more about your drinking, but it’s not suitable as a treatment for alcoholism.
The organization Alcoholics Anonymous AA was formed to aid those who wish to cut down on or quit drinking. To do so, it is necessary to recognize the emotions that accompany addiction and work to alleviate them. This is why the 12-step program was developed. They’re a regimented series of exercises made to help you pinpoint and deal with the emotions that accompany your drinking.
AA is a great self-help organization that’s designed to help people who are struggling with alcoholism. While it can be helpful to learn more about your drinking and the feelings that go along with it, it’s not a substitute for professional treatment. Members of Alcoholics Anonymous pay a nominal charge to join the organization. This fee goes toward covering the expense of insurance if the member experiences a medical emergency due to alcohol use. It is a wonderful choice for those who are having trouble controlling their drinking, but it is not a replacement for the assistance of trained professionals.