Short-term radon tests involve placing a device inside your home and modifying your living habits (closing windows and doors). Long-term tests, in contrast, involve taking a sample of air from your home at various time intervals and measuring the levels. The long-term test will give a more accurate reading of radon concentrations in your home.
The EPA has recommended that people living in homes with elevated radon levels undergo mitigation. These measures can reduce radon levels to two to four pCi/L most of the time. Studies show that reducing radon levels to these levels will save $700,000 per radon-caused lung cancer death.
Short-term testing is also useful when you need to determine the radon levels in a home quickly. During a short-term radon test, a professional will install a radon detector that stays in the home for at least 48 hours. The inspector will download the data from the device and analyze it to determine how much radon is present in the building. These results can be very reliable.
Whether you plan on selling your home or buying one, radon testing near me for the local pages should be a part of the process. Radon levels in homes vary greatly by region and terrain. Even two homes next to each other can have very different levels of radon. It is therefore crucial to test all homes to avoid any unwanted surprises.
Radon is a natural gas that enters homes through cracks in the foundation. It can also enter a home through a well or through some construction materials. Although it cannot be seen or smelled, radon is present in all homes, including new ones and older homes. This gas is harmful for humans and is considered a national environmental health issue. As a result, several respected medical organizations advocate radon testing for all homes.
Radon exposure causes lung cancer. It is the second leading cause of death in smokers. It also increases lung cancer risk in non-smokers. Nonetheless, the relationship between radon exposure and lung cancer is not linear. A radon test can be a vital part of the cancer prevention process in your home.
Testing for radon should be performed on a routine basis as part of your home inspection. If you hire a qualified inspector, they will be able to determine for you whether or not your house has a radon problem. It is essential that you have a solid understanding of the radon levels in your home because these levels can shift over the course of time. If you hire a qualified radon expert, they will be able to devise a strategy for lowering your risk of being exposed to the gas.
Radon is an invisible, odourless, and colourless gas that has the potential to negatively impact both your health and the health of your family. Even if they aren’t immediately obvious, the consequences can be extremely severe. Even if you don’t smoke, there is still a possibility that you are subjected to high amounts of radon. It is imperative that you have your home’s radon level checked as soon as possible if you have any reason to believe that the level may be excessive.